Friday, June 22, 2012


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 I am assuming you all agree that keeping ALL potential Clients and or current clients and all consumers apprised of their legal choices when selecting a legal representative is a POSITIVE thing.

If that is so, you must also agree that after making that selection, a client’s case or legal matter is in essence “in the hands” of that chosen legal representative and subject to   the “personal tendencies” or “work ethics” of that same legal representative.

In other words, a client has absolutely no way of knowing what type of “worker” that same chosen legal representative really is, after retaining that legal professional ...Is he/she lazy, and likes to put off working the file, does he/she assign those duties to a legal assistant or a “paralegal”, does he/she procrastinate doing legal research when needed, does he wait until 10 minutes before the statute is to run out before filing a case in court, ( or sometimes forgetting all together) etc ?? No body knows .  You must also understand, that just because an attorney has “Passed the Bar” is no safeguard against laziness, procrastination, and plain out ineptness, and incompetence.

When your legal representative farms out his work in your case to someone else within his office, via his associate or his/her “legal assistant” or “paralegal” now you are in the hands of that individual’s work ethics or personal tendencies. So if your legal representative is lazy, does lousy work, or is inept and arrogant on top of it all, and if his/her legal staff has or shares the same tendencies, the ultimate loser is the client.

When an attorney is retained, no client ever asks that attorney, what his work ethics are, or if he is Lazy or does, lousy work, or if he/she has ever been reported to the State Bar. WHY ? Because first of all most clients never think of asking these type of questions, and because if asked, most attorneys will say, they are the BEST at what they do.

Is not until that same LOUSY, LAZY AND ARROGANT attorney  loses, or negatively impacts their client’s case due primarily because of their work ethics, laziness, arrogance, and plain out incompetence, causing lifelong harm, that their clients find out about it. For most, is too late to do anything about it for others, they wish they had known what to do before hand.

about providing all legal consumers, former clients, current clients, and prospective clients, with information that could assist them in making a much better informed decision, or if faced with an adverse legal decision and consequence caused by their once trusted legal representative, informing them that they are not alone, and that there is a place which could guide them to get some form of assistance and help to a situation thrown in their laps for no fault of their own.

Each year, Americans file 100,000 disciplinary complaints, which allege that their attorney has charged excessive fees, neglected their case, lied, misrepresented evidence, or committed other misconduct. Still, many more legal consumers do not know what to do when an attorney has victimized them.

That’s What Our Blog...LOUSY, LAZY AND ARROGANT LAWYERS HURT CLIENTS, through  CLIENT ALERT, and the Information Contained herein Is Designed to do. There is nothing NEGATIVE about it. Just pure and simple solutions to a problem most clients did not ask for..FEEL FREE TO LOG ON...We welcome your comments..


( DISCLAIMER: No portion of this post should be considered as giving legal advice, but is to be used for informational purposes only. The publishers of this post are NOT lawyers and strongly urge its readers to consult with a reputable legal professional or to contact the State Bar Association for a proper referral) 


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